Question Papers

                                     MCA 40112
                 MCA Degree Examinations-September,2014
                           (Regulation 2012-13)
                (Examination at the of IV semester)
                      Paper-II: Web Technologies

 Time: 3 hours                                                  Maximum marks:70

Answer all Questions. All questions carry equal  marks
1.a)  What is Internet? Give the uses of internet.
   b) Describe different Browser features. Name any 4 browsers.
2.a) Write short notes on  i. SMTP  ii.FTP.
   b) Differentiate between Domain Name System.
3.a) Write short notes on Byte Streams.
   b) How will you create hyperlinks in web documents? Discuss
        on different attributes of creating a hyperlink. Make use of      
       External and Internal links.
4.a)  Write a program to illustrate Data Reading from the socket
         and writing to the socket.
b) Create a web page for the following
M1       M2      M3

5 a) What is array? How do you declare array in VB Script?
        Write VB Script program to find Maximum of n numbers.
   b) Explain the methods supported by Date ,Math ,String
       objects  in java script.
6 a)How do VB script different from java script.
   B)what is Document object model.Explain various object in DOM
7. a)create a small XML file designed to contain information about student performance on a module.Each student has a name,a roll no,subject marks and total marks.Creted a DTD
capturing the above document.
b)write short notes on
i.inline style        ii)External style       iii)Embedded stylesheet
8. a)write short notes on XSL Transformations.
    b)Differentiate the use of class and ID parameaters in creating style in the web pages.
     c)what are the component technologies of DHTM.
9. a)write a session tracker to track the number of users hitting       
        a web page.
    b) Explain about jsp directives.
10) a)write short notes on Switch,IF,FOR,DO while,selects constructs in ASP with an example for each construct.
    b) write  a Servlet that checks the username =”prateek” and password =”fanstastic’. If found correct call second servlet and display Welcome username message if wrong display the login page again.

                                        (MCA 20512)
                  (Examination at the end of second semester)
                  Paper-V-PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS
                               (Regulation 2012-2013)

Time:3 hours                                                        Maximun:70marks

              Answer ONE Question from each section.
                    All Question carry equal marks.
1.a) Let X be a continues random variable with probability
          density function f(x)=λe^-λx ,x≥0,determine E().
   b) A random variable x has the cdf
      Find (i) P(100≤X≤200)
2.a) state and prove Bayes theorem
   b) Box A contains 5 red and 3 white balls and Box B contains 2 red
      and 6 white .A ball is drawn from each Box .What is the probability
     that they have same color
3. a) What is probability of rolling 2 sixes and 3 non sixes in 5
        Independent casts of a fair die?
   b) Let X have poison  distribution with parameter λ=1 what is the
     probability x≥2 Given that x≤4?
4. a) Ina test administered to 1000.The average score was 42 and   
        Standard deviation is 24
i.                   Find the no of students exceeding score 50.
ii.                 Find the no of students between 30 and 54.
   b) How can we say the normal distribution is limiting case of
      binomial distribution?
5. a) State and prove central limit theorem.
    b) A sale man in departmental stores claims that at most 70% of
       Shoppers entering the store leave without making purchase. A
       random sample of 50 shoppers showed that 37 of them left
       without making purchase. Are these sample results consistent with
        the claim of salesman?(LOS=0.01)
6. a) In a distribution exactly normal, 7% of items are under 35 & 89% of
        Item under 63.What is the mean and standard deviation of
     b) Describe the properties of chi-square distribution.
7. a) Discuss about F-distribution.
    b) A random sample  from a company’s very extensive files showed
       that  the orders for a certain kind of machinery were filled,
       respectively in 10,12,19,14,15,18,11 and 13 days. use level of
      significance α=0.001 to test the claim that on the average such
      order are filled in 10.5 days assume normality.
8. a) Derive the relation for hypothesis concerning two variances
    b) Random samples drawn from two states gave the following data
       relating to the heights of adults males. Is the difference in the mean
     sufficient to state that state A and state B having same height.
                                                       State A                  State B
                           Mean height       67.13                       67.17
                               S.D                    2.55                          2.52
                          Sample size         500                             600
9. a) Derive the equations on regression lines.
    b) Obtain the regression lines to data given below:
            X: 6    2   10    4    8
       Y: 9   11    5   8    7
10. a) Fit the curve of the form y=a to the following data:
            X:             2             3             4            5              6
            Y:             144      172.8     207.4    248.8     298.6
     b) Describe the least square procedure for model fitting.

                                            (MCA 20312)
                (Examination at the end of Second Semester)
                       Paper III- DATA STRUCTURES
                                  (Regulation 2012-2013)

Time: Three hours                                                      Maximum: 70 marks

                             Answer ALL questions.
                     All questions carry equal marks.
1.   (a) Define the notations of an algorithm
(i)           Complexity
(ii)         Space time analysis
        (b) Describe various operations on data structure.
(c) What is complexity of an algorithm? Explain various control structures with an example.
(d)Define work case and average case analysis of complexity.

2.   (a) Explain about the advantage and disadvantage of various string storage structures with examples.
(b) Explain about first pattern matching algorithm.
(c) Explain about various operation on linear structures.
3. (a) What is a linked list? Explain various operations on two way              lists with an algorithm.
  (b) What is a queue? Explain priority queues with an example.
(c) Explain polish notation with example.
4. (a) Define  Binary tree. Explain one way and two way threading of binary tree.
(b) What is a heap? Construct a heap? Construct a heap with the following elements.
23, 7,92,6,12,14,40,44,20,21
(C) Explain Huff man’s algorithm with an example.
(d) Define Binary search tree and write an algorithm to search an element in a binary search tree.
5. (a) Define sorting and illustrate the process of merge sorting with an example.
(b) Explain DFS and BFS traversals of graph with an example.
(c) Explain wars hall’s algorithm to find shortest paths in a weighted graph.
(d) Explain Topological sorting with an example.

                                            (MCA 20312)
                (Examination at the end of Second Semester)
                       Paper III- DATA STRUCTURES
                         (Regulation 2012-2013)
Time: Three hours                                                      Maximum: 70 marks
                             Answer ALL questions.
                     All questions carry equal marks.
1.   (a) Define the notations of an algorithm
(i)           Complexity
(ii)         Space time analysis
        (b) Describe various operations on data structure.
(c) What is complexity of an algorithm? Explain various control structures with an example.
(d)Define work case and average case analysis of complexity.

2.   (a) Explain about the advantage and disadvantage of various string storage structures with examples.
(b) Explain about first pattern matching algorithm.
(c) Explain about various operation on linear structures.
3. (a) What is a linked list? Explain various operations on two way              lists with an algorithm.
  (b) What is a queue? Explain priority queues with an example.
(c) Explain polish notation with example.
4. (a) Define  Binary tree. Explain one way and two way threading of binary tree.
(b) What is a heap? Construct a heap? Construct a heap with the following elements.
23, 7,92,6,12,14,40,44,20,21
(C) Explain Huff man’s algorithm with an example.
(d) Define Binary search tree and write an algorithm to search an element in a binary search tree.
5. (a) Define sorting and illustrate the process of merge sorting with an example.
(b) Explain DFS and BFS traversals of graph with an example.
(c) Explain wars hall’s algorithm to find shortest paths in a weighted graph.
(d) Explain Topological sorting with an example.

                                             (MCA 30410)
                   M.C.A DEGREE EXAMINATION,NOVEMBER 2012.
                                      Third Semester
                      DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
                                  (Regulation 2010-11)
Time: Three hours                                                 Maximum: 70 marks
                                 Answer ALL questions
1.   (a) Discuss the main characteristics of the Database   approach. Compare each characteristic with traditional file system.                                                                                        (7)
             (b) Briefly describe the database system environment and     Different component modules of DBMS.                                               (7)
2.   (a)  What is logical data independence? Differentiate logical   and physical data independence. How Data independence supports database system architecture?                                (7)
(b) Discuss Hashing technique in organizing database files.(7)   
3.   What is ER model? Discuss ER model with suitable example with notion and convention used to draw ER diagram?      (14)
4.   Design a generalization- specification hierarchy for a motor vehicle sales company. The company sells motor cycles, passenger cars, vans and buses. Justify the placement of attributes at level of the hierarchy. Explain all assumptions you make.                                                                                  (14)
5.   (a) Discuss various join operations of relations algebra with example.                                                                                    (7)
(b) Compare tuple calculus and domain calculus with example.                                                                                    (7)
       6. (a) Give the complete syntax of SQ: select statement. Explain  all the phrases of select statement.                                                     (7)
          (b) How a view is created in the database? Explain Triggers with an example.                                                                                            (7)
7.   (a) What is functional dependency? Discuss how normalization uses functional dependency.                          (7)
(b) Explain 2NF and 3NF with suitable examples.                 (7)
8.   (a) What is normalization? Explain 4NF and 5NF with suitable examples.                                                                                  (7)
(b) Is it possible to find candidate keys of a Relational schema? How do you find keys for a relational schema? Give example.                                                                                    (7)
9.   (a) What is a Transaction? Explain ACID properties of Transaction.                                                                           (7)
(b) Explain Basic Time Stamp ordering protocol for concurrency control.                                                            (7)
10.       (a) Explain Validation concurrency control techniques. (7)
          (b) What are different types of Distributed database systems?

                                  (MCA 20112)
                 (Examination at the end of Second Semester)        
                          Paper I-OPERATING SYSTEMS
                                             (Regulation 2012-13)  
Time:Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions
                                    ALL questions carry equal marks
                                                                                                                                                       (5* 14 =70 marks)
1.(a) What are the main structural elements of computer system?
    (b) What is a system call? Explain about types of system calls.
2.(a) Explain about operating system services.
    (b) Explain about Interprocess Communocation.
3.What is a critical section problem? Explain the solutions for it.
4.(a) Explain about Multi Threading models.
    (b) Explain about CPU scheduling algorithms with examples.
5. How to prevent and avoid deadlock and explain its methods?
6. Explain about page replacement algorithms with examples.
7.(a) Explain about file allocation methods.
    (b) Describe about various file operations and file type briefly.
8.(a) Explain about free space management techniques.
    (b) Explain about file system implementation.
9.(a) Explain about RAID levels and their characteristics.
   (b) Explain any two disk scheduling algorithms with examples.
10. Explain about Application I/O interface and Kernel I/O interface.

                                             (MCA 20212)
                 (Examination at the end of Second Semester)        
                          Paper II-DATA COMMUNICATIONS
                                            (Regulation 2012-13)                                                                       
Time: Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions
                                    ALL questions carry equal marks
                                                                                                                                                       (5* 14 =70 marks)
1.(a) Explain about Physical Structures of Networks.
   (b) Suppose a computer sends a frame to another computer on a bus
         topology LAN. The physical destination address of the frame is
        corrupted during the transmission. What happens to the frame? How
        can the sender be informed about the situation?
  (c) Name some services provided by the application layer in the Internet  
  (d) How can a composite signal be decomposed into its individual
2.(a) Explain about digital to analog transmission techniques.
   (b) An analog signal has a bit rate of 8000 bps and a baud rate of 1000 baud.
        How many data elements are carried by each signal element? How many
        signal elements do we need?
  (c) We have sampled a low-pass signal with a bandwidth of 200KHz using 1024
       levels of quantization.
(i)                Calculate the bit rate of the digitized signal.
(ii)             Calculate the SNRdb for this signal.
(iii)           Calculate the PCM bandwidth of this signal.
3.(a) Two channels, one with a bit rate of 100 kbps and another with a bit rate
        of 200 kbps, are to be multiplexed. How this can be achieved? What is the
        frame rate? What is the frame duration? What is the bit rate of the link?
   (b) Explain about flow and error control.
   (c) Explain about cyclic codes with examples.
   (d) What kind of arithmetic is used to add data items in checksum calculation?
4.(a) Explain about bit orients protocols.
    (b) Discuss about token ring.
    (c) Discuss about synchronous protocols.
5.(a) Discuss about message switching.
   (b) Explain about ISDN services.
   (c) Explain about bridges and gateways in detail.

S m oF E t-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'> to the following data:

            X:             2             3             4            5              6
            Y:             144      172.8     207.4    248.8     298.6
     b) Describe the least square procedure for model fitting.

                                                                     (MCA 10412)
                 M.C.A DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2014.
                     (Examination at the end of First Semester)
                                  (Regulation 2012-2013)
Time: Three hours                                                 Maximum: 70 marks
                                  Answer ALL questions.
                          All questions carry equal marks.
1.   (a) Prove that the following is a following is a tautology
(b) What is GCD and Find the GCD (145,675), GCD (542,876) using the Euclidean algorithm
(c) Prove by mathematical induction that 6n+2+72n+1 is divisible by 43 for each n.
(d) Find the expansion of (5x+4y)5. Using Binomial theorem and find the coefficient of xyin (x+y)10.

2.   (a) In a school there are 5 English teachers 7 Hindi teachers and 3 French teachers. A three member committee is to be formed with one teacher representing each language. In how many ways can this be done?
(b) How many four digit numbers can be formed with digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 and with distinct digits?
        (c) what is the maximum possible number of 3- letter words in                           English which do not have any vowel other than ‘a’?
       (d) Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word ‘TENDULKAR’,          in each of the following cases.
            (i) Beginning with T and ending with R
            (ii) Vowels are always together.
                                         UNIT III
3.   (a) solve the recurrence relation

                                     (MCA 10112)
                      (Examination at the end of first semester)
                                              IT FUNDAMENTALS   
                                               (Regulation 2012-13)
Time:Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions
                               ALL questions carry equal marks
1.(a)   what are the various types of data? Explain with examples.
    (b) Discuss about the internal representation of numerical data in a computer
    (c)  what are the various methods of acquiring image data? Explain.        
    (d)  what are error detecting codes? Explain. 
2.(a) what are the methods of acquiring audio data? Explain.
     (b) Discuss about the compression standard of video data.
   (c) What are the various types of data storage? Explain.
   (d) What is the difference between the system software and application   
    Software? Explain.
3.(a) Discuss , in detail, about various types of computer networks with various   
   advantages and limitations.
    (b) Write short notes on the following:
         (i) Computer security using fire walls
         (ii) Internet
         (iii) Cryptography
 4.(a) Explain about the following terms:
     (i) Desktop publishing
     (ii) Markup languages
     (iii) Use of spread sheets
    (b) What is a web browser? What are its functions? Name few browsers.
     (c) Explain how audio is provided on the Internet.
5.(a) What is transaction processing and how computers are useful in transaction
   Processing? Explain.
   (b) Discuss about system life cycle.
  (c) Discuss about Business to customer E-commerce and Business to Business
  (d) Write about electronic cheque payment system in E-commerce.

                                         (MCA 10212)
                      (Examination at the end of first semester)
                               PROGRAMMING AND PROBLEM SOLVING  
                                               (Regulation 2012-13)
Time: Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions
                               ALL questions carry equal marks
1.(a) Discuss, in detail, about the generation of programming languages.
    (b) What is the output of the following C-program? Explain.
               int I,j,k;
    (c) What are the data types in C? Explain about each of them. Giving an 
      Example each.
    (d) What is the output of the following?
           int I,j;
 2.(a) What are the conditional statements of C? Explain with examples.
     (b) Write a program in C language to find the roots of a quadratic
    (c) How are functions defined and declared in C-language? Explain with  
    (d) Write a program for “Towers of Honoi”problem to illustrate the concept of
    recursion in C-Language.
 3.(a) Explain how two dimensional and multidimensional arrays are declared in C,
    with examples.
    (b) write a program in C to multiply two given n*n matrices.
    (c) Discuss  about various string operators provided in C-Language.
    (d) Write a program in C-Language to concatenate two given strings.
4.(a) How are pointer variables declared in C-Language? Explain with examples.
    (b) Write a program to find the transpose of a given matrix using pointers.
    (c) What is a Structure? Give an example.
    (d) What is a Union? Give an example.
5.(a) Discuss in detail, about the files and file operations in C.
   (b) What are preprocessor directives provided in C? Explain each of them with
   an example.

                                    (MCA 10512)
                      (Examination at the end of first semester)
                                               (Regulation 2012-13)
Time: Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions.
                               ALL questions carry equal marks.
1.(a) Prepare trading and profit and loss account and Balance sheet for the year 
        Ended 31st March 2012 from the following extracts of ledger balances and
       additional information:
                       Proprietor’s Capital Account                                   1,19,400
                      Proprietor’s drawings account                                    10,550
                      Bills receivable                                                                  9,500
                      Plant and Machinery                                                     28,800
                      Wages                                                                              40,970
                      Salaries                                                                             11,000
                     Sundry Debtors                                                                62,000
                     Sundry Creditors                                                              59,630
                  Loan(Received)(Cr.)                                                           20,000
                  Returns inward                                                                     2,780
                  Purchases                                                                         2,56,590
                  Sales                                                                                  3,56,430
                 Commission received                                                           5,640
                 Discount allowed                                                                  5,870
                 Rent and Taxes                                                                      5,620
                 Stock on 1st April, 2011                                                      89,680
                Travelling expenses                                                               1,880
                Insurance                                                                                    400
               Cash                                                                                               530
               Bank (Debit Balance)                                                             18,970
              Repairs and Renewals                                                             3,370
              Bad debts                                                                                   3,620
             Fixtures and fittings                                                                  8,970
         The following additional information is also available stock on hand on 31st
        March, 2012 was Rs. 1,28,960.
    (b) What are Accounting concepts and conventions? Explain with suitable
2.(a) The budgeted sales of a company are as follows:
                                                                                      X                    Y                     Z
           Budget sales in units                                10,000           15,000            20,000
           Budget selling price per unit                      4                      4                      4
           Budget variables cost per unit                  2.5                    3                    3.5
           Budget fixed expense (total)               Rs. 12,000            9,000            7,500
         From the above information you are required to compute the following for
        each product.
(i)                The budget profit
(ii)             The budgeted break–even sales
(iii)           The budgeted margin of safety in terms of sales value.
    (b) What do you mean by Budget? What are the different types of budgets?
3.(a) Sumit chemical Co. Ltd produces a certain chemical, the standard material 
         cost being:
         40 per cent material X at Rs. 45 per kg
        60 per cent material Y at Rs. 120 per kg
       A standard loss of 10 per cent is expected in production. During January, 200
       Kg of material X and Y were mixed.
     84 kg material X at Rs. 46 per kg
    116 kg material Y at Rs. 118 per kg
    and produced 182 kg of chemical.
   Calculate the following variances for the month:
(i)                Material price
(ii)             Material mixture
(iii)           Material yield
(b) Discuss the process of decision making using financial information.
4.(a) X Ltd. Has a current ratio of 2.5:1 and quick ratio of 1.5:1. Its current
       assets are Rs. 2,00,000. Calculate the value of stock.
    (b) What do you mean by Ratio Analysis? Explain the importance of
        different ratios.
5.(a) Define working capital. Discuss the determinants of working capital.
   (b) What are the components of working capital management? Explain


                                                            (MCA 40312))
                        MCA Degree Examinations  September,2014
                               (Regulation 2012-13)
                          (Examination at the end of IV Semester)
                     PAPER-III:Information Security
Time : Three hours                                                                             Maximum Marks: 70
                                    Answer  all the questions
1 a)What are Security attacks?Describe.
   b)Difference between Linear and Differentiate Crypt analysis.
   c)Explain cipher block chaning mode and cipher block feedback mode.
   d)Describe the block modes of operations of DES with their  advantages.
2 a)Write the charcterstics of public key cryptography and explain RSA algorithm.
   b)Using the RSA algorithm,with p=3,q=11,d=7,find ‘e’ and what is the cipher text character corresponding to the plaintext Charcter ‘N’ using the  numbers corresponding to the letters,eg.,the number 1 stands for ‘A’.
  c)Describe the design objectives of HMAC.Briefly explain the HMAC algorithm.
3 a)What is the purpose of X>509 standards?Explain X.509 strong authentication procedures with suitable diagram.
   b)Explain the properties of Digital Signatures.
   c)Expalin about Kerberos in detail.
   d)Expalin the format of X.509 certificate.
4 a) What is the difference between ssl connection and ssl session?What services are provided by ssl record rotocol?
b) Describe about web security.
c)What are the threats associated with user authentication over a network or internet?
d)Describe internet key exchange.
5 a)Explain any two approaches for intrusion detection.
  b)What are the goals of firewalls and explain the different types?
c)Describe the measures for virus counter.
d)Explain firewall design principles.                       

                               (MCA 4.3(09))
                               Fourth Semeister
                       Paper iii-WEB TECHNOLOGIES
            Time:three hours              Maximum:80 marks
                  Answer Question No.1 compulsorily.
                  Answer ONE question from each Unit.
1. a) write about pop?
     b) what is a socket?
     c)  Write about regular expressions in java script?
     d) Write about the purpose of forms?
     e) What is event bubbling?
     f) Write about SSI?
     g) What  is servelet changing?
    h) Write about servelet life cycle?

                                  UNTI I

2. a) Explain brifly about TETP and FTP?
    b) Explain the types of streams in java network programming?
    c) Write the differences between TCP and UDP?
    d) With a neat sketch explain the client/server model of the web?
                                        UNIT II
3. a) Write a java script to check the number is Armstrong number or not by getting the number from text box and the result is displayed i                MCA 40112
MCA Degree Examinations-September,2014
                 (Regulation 2012-13)
       (Examination at the of IV semester)
              Paper-II: Web Technologies
 Time: 3 hours                                                  Maximum marks:70
Answer all Questions. All questions carry equal  marks
1.a)  What is Internet? Give the uses of internet.
   b) Describe different Browser features. Name any 4 browsers.
2.a) Write short notes on  i. SMTP  ii.FTP.
   b) Differentiate between Domain Name System.
3.a) Write short notes on Byte Streams.
   b) How will you create hyperlinks in web documents? Discuss
        on different attributes of creating a hyperlink. Make use of      
       External and Internal links.
4.a)  Write a program to illustrate Data Reading from the socket
         and writing to the socket.
b) Create a web page for the following
M1       M2      M3

5 a) What is array? How do you declare array in VB Script?
        Write VB Script program to find Maximum of n numbers.
   b) Explain the methods supported by Date ,Math ,String
       objects  in java script.
6 a)How do VB script different from java script.
   B)what is Document object model.Explain various object in DOM
7. a)create a small XML file designed to contain information about student performance on a module.Each student has a name,a roll no,subject marks and total marks.Creted a DTD
capturing the above document.
b)write short notes on
i.inline style        ii)External style       iii)Embedded stylesheet
8. a)write short notes on XSL Transformations.
    b)Differentiate the use of class and ID parameaters in creating style in the web pages.
     c)what are the component technologies of DHTM.
9. a)write a session tracker to track the number of users hitting       
        a web page.
    b) Explain about jsp directives.
10) a)write short notes on Switch,IF,FOR,DO while,selects constructs in ASP with an example for each construct.
    b) write  a Servlet that checks the username =”prateek” and password =”fanstastic’. If found correct call second servlet and display Welcome username message if wrong display the login page again.

                        (MCA 20512)
  (Examination at the end of second semester)
                (Regulation 2012-2013)
Time:3 hours                                                        Maximun:70marks
              Answer ONE Question from each section.
                    All Question carry equal marks.
1.a) Let X be a continues random variable with probability
          density function f(x)=λe^-λx ,x≥0,determine E().
   b) A random variable x has the cdf
      Find (i) P(100≤X≤200)
2.a) state and prove Bayes theorem
   b) Box A contains 5 red and 3 white balls and Box B contains 2 red
      and 6 white .A ball is drawn from each Box .What is the probability
     that they have same color
3. a) What is probability of rolling 2 sixes and 3 non sixes in 5
        Independent casts of a fair die?
   b) Let X have poison  distribution with parameter λ=1 what is the
     probability x≥2 Given that x≤4?
4. a) Ina test administered to 1000.The average score was 42 and   
        Standard deviation is 24
i.                   Find the no of students exceeding score 50.
ii.                 Find the no of students between 30 and 54.
   b) How can we say the normal distribution is limiting case of
      binomial distribution?
5. a) State and prove central limit theorem.
    b) A sale man in departmental stores claims that at most 70% of
       Shoppers entering the store leave without making purchase. A
       random sample of 50 shoppers showed that 37 of them left
       without making purchase. Are these sample results consistent with
        the claim of salesman?(LOS=0.01)
6. a) In a distribution exactly normal, 7% of items are under 35 & 89% of
        Item under 63.What is the mean and standard deviation of
     b) Describe the properties of chi-square distribution.
7. a) Discuss about F-distribution.
    b) A random sample  from a company’s very extensive files showed
       that  the orders for a certain kind of machinery were filled,
       respectively in 10,12,19,14,15,18,11 and 13 days. use level of
      significance α=0.001 to test the claim that on the average such
      order are filled in 10.5 days assume normality.
8. a) Derive the relation for hypothesis concerning two variances
    b) Random samples drawn from two states gave the following data
       relating to the heights of adults males. Is the difference in the mean
     sufficient to state that state A and state B having same height.
                                                       State A                  State B
                           Mean height       67.13                       67.17
                               S.D                    2.55                          2.52
                          Sample size         500                             600
9. a) Derive the equations on regression lines.
    b) Obtain the regression lines to data given below:
            X: 6    2   10    4    8
       Y: 9   11    5   8    7
10. a) Fit the curve of the form y=a to the following data:
            X:             2             3             4            5              6
            Y:             144      172.8     207.4    248.8     298.6
     b) Describe the least square procedure for model fitting.

                                            (MCA 20312)
                (Examination at the end of Second Semester)
                       Paper III- DATA STRUCTURES
                         (Regulation 2012-2013)
Time: Three hours                                                      Maximum: 70 marks
                             Answer ALL questions.
                     All questions carry equal marks.
1.   (a) Define the notations of an algorithm
(i)           Complexity
(ii)         Space time analysis
        (b) Describe various operations on data structure.
(c) What is complexity of an algorithm? Explain various control structures with an example.
(d)Define work case and average case analysis of complexity.

2.   (a) Explain about the advantage and disadvantage of various string storage structures with examples.
(b) Explain about first pattern matching algorithm.
(c) Explain about various operation on linear structures.
3. (a) What is a linked list? Explain various operations on two way              lists with an algorithm.
  (b) What is a queue? Explain priority queues with an example.
(c) Explain polish notation with example.
4. (a) Define  Binary tree. Explain one way and two way threading of binary tree.
(b) What is a heap? Construct a heap? Construct a heap with the following elements.
23, 7,92,6,12,14,40,44,20,21
(C) Explain Huff man’s algorithm with an example.
(d) Define Binary search tree and write an algorithm to search an element in a binary search tree.
5. (a) Define sorting and illustrate the process of merge sorting with an example.
(b) Explain DFS and BFS traversals of graph with an example.
(c) Explain wars hall’s algorithm to find shortest paths in a weighted graph.
(d) Explain Topological sorting with an example.

                                            (MCA 20312)
                (Examination at the end of Second Semester)
                       Paper III- DATA STRUCTURES
                         (Regulation 2012-2013)
Time: Three hours                                                      Maximum: 70 marks
                             Answer ALL questions.
                     All questions carry equal marks.
1.   (a) Define the notations of an algorithm
(i)           Complexity
(ii)         Space time analysis
        (b) Describe various operations on data structure.
(c) What is complexity of an algorithm? Explain various control structures with an example.
(d)Define work case and average case analysis of complexity.

2.   (a) Explain about the advantage and disadvantage of various string storage structures with examples.
(b) Explain about first pattern matching algorithm.
(c) Explain about various operation on linear structures.
3. (a) What is a linked list? Explain various operations on two way              lists with an algorithm.
  (b) What is a queue? Explain priority queues with an example.
(c) Explain polish notation with example.
4. (a) Define  Binary tree. Explain one way and two way threading of binary tree.
(b) What is a heap? Construct a heap? Construct a heap with the following elements.
23, 7,92,6,12,14,40,44,20,21
(C) Explain Huff man’s algorithm with an example.
(d) Define Binary search tree and write an algorithm to search an element in a binary search tree.
5. (a) Define sorting and illustrate the process of merge sorting with an example.
(b) Explain DFS and BFS traversals of graph with an example.
(c) Explain wars hall’s algorithm to find shortest paths in a weighted graph.
(d) Explain Topological sorting with an example.

                                             (MCA 30410)
                   M.C.A DEGREE EXAMINATION,NOVEMBER 2012.
                                      Third Semester
                      DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM
                                  (Regulation 2010-11)
Time: Three hours                                                 Maximum: 70 marks
                                 Answer ALL questions
1.   (a) Discuss the main characteristics of the Database   approach. Compare each characteristic with traditional file system.                                                                                        (7)
             (b) Briefly describe the database system environment and     Different component modules of DBMS.                                               (7)
2.   (a)  What is logical data independence? Differentiate logical   and physical data independence. How Data independence supports database system architecture?                                (7)
(b) Discuss Hashing technique in organizing database files.(7)   
3.   What is ER model? Discuss ER model with suitable example with notion and convention used to draw ER diagram?      (14)
4.   Design a generalization- specification hierarchy for a motor vehicle sales company. The company sells motor cycles, passenger cars, vans and buses. Justify the placement of attributes at level of the hierarchy. Explain all assumptions you make.                                                                                  (14)
5.   (a) Discuss various join operations of relations algebra with example.                                                                                    (7)
(b) Compare tuple calculus and domain calculus with example.                                                                                    (7)
       6. (a) Give the complete syntax of SQ: select statement. Explain  all the phrases of select statement.                                                     (7)
          (b) How a view is created in the database? Explain Triggers with an example.                                                                                            (7)
7.   (a) What is functional dependency? Discuss how normalization uses functional dependency.                          (7)
(b) Explain 2NF and 3NF with suitable examples.                 (7)
8.   (a) What is normalization? Explain 4NF and 5NF with suitable examples.                                                                                  (7)
(b) Is it possible to find candidate keys of a Relational schema? How do you find keys for a relational schema? Give example.                                                                                    (7)
9.   (a) What is a Transaction? Explain ACID properties of Transaction.                                                                           (7)
(b) Explain Basic Time Stamp ordering protocol for concurrency control.                                                            (7)
10.       (a) Explain Validation concurrency control techniques. (7)
          (b) What are different types of Distributed database systems?

                                  (MCA 20112)
                 (Examination at the end of Second Semester)        
                          Paper I-OPERATING SYSTEMS
                                             (Regulation 2012-13)  
Time:Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions
                                    ALL questions carry equal marks
                                                                                                                                                       (5* 14 =70 marks)
1.(a) What are the main structural elements of computer system?
    (b) What is a system call? Explain about types of system calls.
2.(a) Explain about operating system services.
    (b) Explain about Interprocess Communocation.
3.What is a critical section problem? Explain the solutions for it.
4.(a) Explain about Multi Threading models.
    (b) Explain about CPU scheduling algorithms with examples.
5. How to prevent and avoid deadlock and explain its methods?
6. Explain about page replacement algorithms with examples.
7.(a) Explain about file allocation methods.
    (b) Describe about various file operations and file type briefly.
8.(a) Explain about free space management techniques.
    (b) Explain about file system implementation.
9.(a) Explain about RAID levels and their characteristics.
   (b) Explain any two disk scheduling algorithms with examples.
10. Explain about Application I/O interface and Kernel I/O interface.

                                             (MCA 20212)
                 (Examination at the end of Second Semester)        
                          Paper II-DATA COMMUNICATIONS
                                            (Regulation 2012-13)                                                                       
Time: Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions
                                    ALL questions carry equal marks
                                                                                                                                                       (5* 14 =70 marks)
1.(a) Explain about Physical Structures of Networks.
   (b) Suppose a computer sends a frame to another computer on a bus
         topology LAN. The physical destination address of the frame is
        corrupted during the transmission. What happens to the frame? How
        can the sender be informed about the situation?
  (c) Name some services provided by the application layer in the Internet  
  (d) How can a composite signal be decomposed into its individual
2.(a) Explain about digital to analog transmission techniques.
   (b) An analog signal has a bit rate of 8000 bps and a baud rate of 1000 baud.
        How many data elements are carried by each signal element? How many
        signal elements do we need?
  (c) We have sampled a low-pass signal with a bandwidth of 200KHz using 1024
       levels of quantization.
(i)                Calculate the bit rate of the digitized signal.
(ii)             Calculate the SNRdb for this signal.
(iii)           Calculate the PCM bandwidth of this signal.
3.(a) Two channels, one with a bit rate of 100 kbps and another with a bit rate
        of 200 kbps, are to be multiplexed. How this can be achieved? What is the
        frame rate? What is the frame duration? What is the bit rate of the link?
   (b) Explain about flow and error control.
   (c) Explain about cyclic codes with examples.
   (d) What kind of arithmetic is used to add data items in checksum calculation?
4.(a) Explain about bit orients protocols.
    (b) Discuss about token ring.
    (c) Discuss about synchronous protocols.
5.(a) Discuss about message switching.
   (b) Explain about ISDN services.
   (c) Explain about bridges and gateways in detail.

S m oF E t-language:EN-US;mso-bidi-language:AR-SA'> to the following data:

            X:             2             3             4            5              6
            Y:             144      172.8     207.4    248.8     298.6
     b) Describe the least square procedure for model fitting.

                                                                     (MCA 10412)
                 M.C.A DEGREE EXAMINATION, FEBRUARY 2014.
                     (Examination at the end of First Semester)
                                  (Regulation 2012-2013)
Time: Three hours                                                 Maximum: 70 marks
                                  Answer ALL questions.
                          All questions carry equal marks.
1.   (a) Prove that the following is a following is a tautology
(b) What is GCD and Find the GCD (145,675), GCD (542,876) using the Euclidean algorithm
(c) Prove by mathematical induction that 6n+2+72n+1 is divisible by 43 for each n.
(d) Find the expansion of (5x+4y)5. Using Binomial theorem and find the coefficient of xyin (x+y)10.

2.   (a) In a school there are 5 English teachers 7 Hindi teachers and 3 French teachers. A three member committee is to be formed with one teacher representing each language. In how many ways can this be done?
(b) How many four digit numbers can be formed with digits 1, 2, 3 and 4 and with distinct digits?
        (c) what is the maximum possible number of 3- letter words in                           English which do not have any vowel other than ‘a’?
       (d) Find the number of permutations of the letters of the word ‘TENDULKAR’,          in each of the following cases.
            (i) Beginning with T and ending with R
            (ii) Vowels are always together.
                                         UNIT III
3.   (a) solve the recurrence relation

                                     (MCA 10112)
                      (Examination at the end of first semester)
                                              IT FUNDAMENTALS   
                                               (Regulation 2012-13)
Time:Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions
                               ALL questions carry equal marks
1.(a)   what are the various types of data? Explain with examples.
    (b) Discuss about the internal representation of numerical data in a computer
    (c)  what are the various methods of acquiring image data? Explain.        
    (d)  what are error detecting codes? Explain. 
2.(a) what are the methods of acquiring audio data? Explain.
     (b) Discuss about the compression standard of video data.
   (c) What are the various types of data storage? Explain.
   (d) What is the difference between the system software and application   
    Software? Explain.
3.(a) Discuss , in detail, about various types of computer networks with various   
   advantages and limitations.
    (b) Write short notes on the following:
         (i) Computer security using fire walls
         (ii) Internet
         (iii) Cryptography
 4.(a) Explain about the following terms:
     (i) Desktop publishing
     (ii) Markup languages
     (iii) Use of spread sheets
    (b) What is a web browser? What are its functions? Name few browsers.
     (c) Explain how audio is provided on the Internet.
5.(a) What is transaction processing and how computers are useful in transaction
   Processing? Explain.
   (b) Discuss about system life cycle.
  (c) Discuss about Business to customer E-commerce and Business to Business
  (d) Write about electronic cheque payment system in E-commerce.

                                         (MCA 10212)
                      (Examination at the end of first semester)
                               PROGRAMMING AND PROBLEM SOLVING  
                                               (Regulation 2012-13)
Time: Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions
                               ALL questions carry equal marks
1.(a) Discuss, in detail, about the generation of programming languages.
    (b) What is the output of the following C-program? Explain.
               int I,j,k;
    (c) What are the data types in C? Explain about each of them. Giving an 
      Example each.
    (d) What is the output of the following?
           int I,j;
 2.(a) What are the conditional statements of C? Explain with examples.
     (b) Write a program in C language to find the roots of a quadratic
    (c) How are functions defined and declared in C-language? Explain with  
    (d) Write a program for “Towers of Honoi”problem to illustrate the concept of
    recursion in C-Language.
 3.(a) Explain how two dimensional and multidimensional arrays are declared in C,
    with examples.
    (b) write a program in C to multiply two given n*n matrices.
    (c) Discuss  about various string operators provided in C-Language.
    (d) Write a program in C-Language to concatenate two given strings.
4.(a) How are pointer variables declared in C-Language? Explain with examples.
    (b) Write a program to find the transpose of a given matrix using pointers.
    (c) What is a Structure? Give an example.
    (d) What is a Union? Give an example.
5.(a) Discuss in detail, about the files and file operations in C.
   (b) What are preprocessor directives provided in C? Explain each of them with
   an example.

                                    (MCA 10512)
                      (Examination at the end of first semester)
                                               (Regulation 2012-13)
Time: Three hours                                                                           Maximum:70 marks
                                              Answer ALL questions.
                               ALL questions carry equal marks.
1.(a) Prepare trading and profit and loss account and Balance sheet for the year 
        Ended 31st March 2012 from the following extracts of ledger balances and
       additional information:
                       Proprietor’s Capital Account                                   1,19,400
                      Proprietor’s drawings account                                    10,550
                      Bills receivable                                                                  9,500
                      Plant and Machinery                                                     28,800
                      Wages                                                                              40,970
                      Salaries                                                                             11,000
                     Sundry Debtors                                                                62,000
                     Sundry Creditors                                                              59,630
                  Loan(Received)(Cr.)                                                           20,000
                  Returns inward                                                                     2,780
                  Purchases                                                                         2,56,590
                  Sales                                                                                  3,56,430
                 Commission received                                                           5,640
                 Discount allowed                                                                  5,870
                 Rent and Taxes                                                                      5,620
                 Stock on 1st April, 2011                                                      89,680
                Travelling expenses                                                               1,880
                Insurance                                                                                    400
               Cash                                                                                               530
               Bank (Debit Balance)                                                             18,970
              Repairs and Renewals                                                             3,370
              Bad debts                                                                                   3,620
             Fixtures and fittings                                                                  8,970
         The following additional information is also available stock on hand on 31st
        March, 2012 was Rs. 1,28,960.
    (b) What are Accounting concepts and conventions? Explain with suitable
2.(a) The budgeted sales of a company are as follows:
                                                                                      X                    Y                     Z
           Budget sales in units                                10,000           15,000            20,000
           Budget selling price per unit                      4                      4                      4
           Budget variables cost per unit                  2.5                    3                    3.5
           Budget fixed expense (total)               Rs. 12,000            9,000            7,500
         From the above information you are required to compute the following for
        each product.
(i)                The budget profit
(ii)             The budgeted break–even sales
(iii)           The budgeted margin of safety in terms of sales value.
    (b) What do you mean by Budget? What are the different types of budgets?
3.(a) Sumit chemical Co. Ltd produces a certain chemical, the standard material 
         cost being:
         40 per cent material X at Rs. 45 per kg
        60 per cent material Y at Rs. 120 per kg
       A standard loss of 10 per cent is expected in production. During January, 200
       Kg of material X and Y were mixed.
     84 kg material X at Rs. 46 per kg
    116 kg material Y at Rs. 118 per kg
    and produced 182 kg of chemical.
   Calculate the following variances for the month:
(i)                Material price
(ii)             Material mixture
(iii)           Material yield
(b) Discuss the process of decision making using financial information.
4.(a) X Ltd. Has a current ratio of 2.5:1 and quick ratio of 1.5:1. Its current
       assets are Rs. 2,00,000. Calculate the value of stock.
    (b) What do you mean by Ratio Analysis? Explain the importance of
        different ratios.
5.(a) Define working capital. Discuss the determinants of working capital.
   (b) What are the components of working capital management? Explain


                                                            (MCA 40312))
                        MCA Degree Examinations  September,2014
                               (Regulation 2012-13)
                          (Examination at the end of IV Semester)
                     PAPER-III:Information Security
Time : Three hours                                                                             Maximum Marks: 70
                                    Answer  all the questions
1 a)What are Security attacks?Describe.
   b)Difference between Linear and Differentiate Crypt analysis.
   c)Explain cipher block chaning mode and cipher block feedback mode.
   d)Describe the block modes of operations of DES with their  advantages.
2 a)Write the charcterstics of public key cryptography and explain RSA algorithm.
   b)Using the RSA algorithm,with p=3,q=11,d=7,find ‘e’ and what is the cipher text character corresponding to the plaintext Charcter ‘N’ using the  numbers corresponding to the letters,eg.,the number 1 stands for ‘A’.
  c)Describe the design objectives of HMAC.Briefly explain the HMAC algorithm.
3 a)What is the purpose of X>509 standards?Explain X.509 strong authentication procedures with suitable diagram.
   b)Explain the properties of Digital Signatures.
   c)Expalin about Kerberos in detail.
   d)Expalin the format of X.509 certificate.
4 a) What is the difference between ssl connection and ssl session?What services are provided by ssl record rotocol?
b) Describe about web security.
c)What are the threats associated with user authentication over a network or internet?
d)Describe internet key exchange.
5 a)Explain any two approaches for intrusion detection.
  b)What are the goals of firewalls and explain the different types?
c)Describe the measures for virus counter.
d)Explain firewall design principles.                       

                               (MCA 4.3(09))
                               Fourth Semeister
                       Paper iii-WEB TECHNOLOGIES
            Time:three hours              Maximum:80 marks
                  Answer Question No.1 compulsorily.
                  Answer ONE question from each Unit.
1. a) write about pop?
     b) what is a socket?
     c)  Write about regular expressions in java script?
     d) Write about the purpose of forms?
     e) What is event bubbling?
     f) Write about SSI?
     g) What  is servelet changing?
    h) Write about servelet life cycle?

                                  UNTI I

2. a) Explain brifly about TETP and FTP?
    b) Explain the types of streams in java network programming?
    c) Write the differences between TCP and UDP?
    d) With a neat sketch explain the client/server model of the web?
                                        UNIT II
3. a) Write a java script to check the number is Armstrong number or not by getting the number from text box and the result is displayed ina prompt dialogue box?
    b) Explain various objects in VB script?
    c) Write briefly about Math Object and its methods?
    d) With a VB script to creating and reading cookie value?
                                         UNIT III
4. a) Write briefly about XML validation?
     b) Write a program for data binding using  tabular data control?
     c) Explain CGI environment variables with a sample program?
     d) Explain embedded style sheets with a sample program?
                                          UNIT IV
5. a) Explain multi tier applications using database connectivity?
    b) Explain the components of JSP?
    c) Explain subroutines in ASP with a sample code?
    d) Write about sessions and cookies in JSP? 
 na prompt dialogue box?
    b) Explain various objects in VB script?
    c) Write briefly about Math Object and its methods?
    d) With a VB script to creating and reading cookie value?
                                         UNIT III
4. a) Write briefly about XML validation?
     b) Write a program for data binding using  tabular data control?
     c) Explain CGI environment variables with a sample program?
     d) Explain embedded style sheets with a sample program?
                                          UNIT IV
5. a) Explain multi tier applications using database connectivity?
    b) Explain the components of JSP?
    c) Explain subroutines in ASP with a sample code?
    d) Write about sessions and cookies in JSP? 


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